In Your Shoes

In Your Shoes is een klein lief liedje dat het immer knagende gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen adresseert, dat veel mensen plaagt. “Hou je wel van me? En waarom dan? Ik zou niet weten of ik van mij zou houden als ik in jouw schoenen stond.” Iedereen kent die gevoelens wel, denk ik. Pas als je écht in de schoenen van die ander stapt, zie je wat hij/zij ziet als hij/zij naar je kijkt.

De productie is bewust klein gehouden met gitaar, een tappende schoen en wat licht Rhodes en Mellotron toetsenwerk.

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In Your Shoes is a tiny song addressing the always insufficient level of self esteem, that’s inside most of us. “Do you love me? And why? I wouldn’t know if I were you…” I think everybody knows these feelings. Only if one really steps into the other’s shoes, one can see what the other truly sees.

The production has been kept small: just voice and acoustic guitar, a tapping foot and a bit of Rhodes and Mellotron keys.

Words & music by JeeWee Donkers

Can you tell me why you love me?
What it is you see in me?
It’s a question I keep asking
Cause it’s something I can’t see

Through my eyes you are so perfect
It’s so obvious to me
I just stand here in your shadow
Wond’ring if I ever could live up to what you see in me

Is it that you really love me?
How can I be sure?
I don’t know if I were in your shoes
It seems to me that all I do is
Giving you the blues
I would run if I were in your shoes

I could never live without you
I need you to be there for me
and I need to be certain
Certain that you never, ever, never walk away from me

Is it that you really love me?
How can I be sure?
I don’t know if I were in your shoes
It seems to me that all I do is
Giving you the blues
I would run if I were in your shoes

If only I could spend a day
Looking through your eyes
See what makes you look my way
Make me realize

That you truly, really love me
I would know for sure
I could tell if I were in your shoes
I would never have to doubt you
I would know for sure
I could tell if I were in your shoes

JeeWee Donkers: vocal, guitar, bass & foot tapping
Peter Holen: Fender Rhodes piano & Mellotron recorder

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